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First Advanced Optical Inspection System for Next-generation Thin Film Photovoltaics

We have completed the production of an automated inspection system to automatically analyse thin film photovoltaic modules. The system integrates an optical head, which delivers light onto the module, gathers its optical response, and guides the light into different spectroscopic modules for analysis. By means of advanced data processing techniques, this spectral information can be used to assess the quality and efficiency of thin film materials, during the manufacturing process. The early detection of manufacturing defects is of paramount importance to (1) identify manufacturing errors and implement early actions; (2) maximise production yield; (3) ensure the quality and reliability of the modules; and (4) minimise manufacturing waste.

The sensing probe has been attached to automatically XY scanning system, which allows automatically inspecting the properties of the modules across its surface.

This project has received funding from the ERA-NET Solar Cofund 2, and has been cofinanced by CDTI and the European Research Framework programme Horizon 2020. The information contained in this document reflects the opinion of the authors. Neither CDTI nor the European Commission shall be responsible for any use of the information provided in this communication.

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