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Development of an Optical Inspection Tool for Third Generation Solar Cells

Within the framework of the European research project In4CIS, and following to the design phase, Lenz Instruments has started the manufacturing of an optical inspection system for third generation photovoltaic devices based on CIGS technology.

The system integrates a motorized XY platform that positions the optical probe head at the inspection point, and automatically controls de acquisition of the photoluminescence and Raman spectra from the photovoltaic module. The inspection of the panels can be completely automated by allowing the user to introduce a set of positions to probe. Besides, the benchtop integrates reference pattern samples, and a specific routine for self-calibration, which will ensure the quality and reliability of the measurement procedure.

The estimated inspection time per module shall depend on the number of points to be proved by the system, but is estimated to be in the range of 30 seconds up to few minutes, thus being compatible with the target speed required at the pilot scale production level.

Next steps towards to develop the demonstrator will deal with the integration of the spectral processing algorithms into the control software. Presently, these algorithms are under development by partner Institut d’Energies Renovables de Catalunya (IREC).

This project has received funding from the ERA-NET Solar Cofund 2, and has been cofinanced by CDTI and the European Research Framework programme Horizon 2020. The information contained in this document reflects the opinion of the authors. Neither CDTI nor the European Commission shall be responsible for any use of the information provided in this communication.

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