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SUNRISE – A sorting and recycling solution for Polyvinil Butyral (PVB) films from laminated glass A sorting and recycling solution for Polyvinil Butyral (PVB) films from laminated glass

On June 1st 2021, it was officially kicked-off the European Project SUNRISE, which aims to develop new solutions for the separation and recycling of PVB films from laminated glass. This project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 Research and innovation programme under grant agreement nº958243.

The recycling of PVB films from laminated glass poses significant challenges related to the dispersion in the properties of the recovered material, which arise from variations in the material composition, presence of humidity, and polymer degradation. So far, the inhomogeneity of the recovered material hinders the possibility to reuse it for new applications. Moreover, SUNRISE shall allow overcoming these limitations by developing an innovative optical sorting solution to characterize and classify the incoming material before processing, which will be processed separately to obtain new products with the reused fractions.

The Collaborative Project is scheduled for 42 months, and will involve twenty partners – technological companies, manufacturing and recycling industry and research centers, from different countries.

Lenz Instruments will contribute to this Project by leading the tasks dealing with the development and scale-up of the optical inspection tool for the in-line sorting of the recovered PVB material.

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