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New industrial sorting systems based on laser spectroscopy (LIBS), magnetic induction spectroscopy, and machine vision for recycling of non-ferrous metals.

SHREDDERSORT consortium is almost completing the construction of three individual sorting systems for the recycling of End of Live Vehicles scrap. The three sorting systems are:

1) A Laser Induced Breakdown Spectroscopy (LIBS) system to distinguish and separate cast and wrought Aluminium alloys.

2) A LIBS system to distinguish and separate Magnesium and individual Aluminium alloys series.

3) A Magnetic Induction Tensor Spectroscopy (MITS) and a 3D Vision system to identify and separate Cu alloys, Al alloys, and stainless steels fragments.

The first LIBS sorting line became operational in April 2016. The remaining two sorting systems, are under construction, and will be operational by September 2016, prior to the validation of all three systems in commercial shredder plants from Oct-Dec 2016.

The SME partners and end-users in the project aim to commercialize and use the systems in ELV and other recycling applications including demolition and construction waste, industrial scrap, and waste electronic and electrical equipment (WEEE).

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