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Within the framework of the IN4CIS project, Lenz Instruments has developed a system for the inspection of 3rd generation photovoltaic devices up to 30×30 mm in size. The system integrates a multi-sensor head made up of a Raman probe and a photoluminescence probe.

A control software automatically analyzes the spectral information coming from the head, identifying the presence of microstructural defects in the device materials and automatically discarding those modules that are not suitable for manufacturing.

The detection of microstructural defects in the early stages of the manufacturing process thus makes it possible to optimise the productivity of manufacturing lines, also minimizing the use of material and energy resources.

The system has been installed in the pilot production plant of the ZSW technology center (zsw-bw.de) in Stuttgart, Germany. The tests carried out in this center have allowed the successful validation of the developed technology.

This project has received funding from the ERA-NET Solar Cofund 2, with co-financing from CDTI and the Framework Program for Research and Innovation, Horizon 2020, of the European Union. The content of this communication reflects the opinion of the author only.

Neither CDTI nor the European Commission is responsible for any use that may be made of the information contained in this communication.

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